Feb 052021

Lab Grown Liver

For years, the discussion over the development of synthetic, lab-grown organs has been a major talking point. Many see it as a controversial subject, with dubious ethical leanings and understandings. Others, though, see the process of lab grown organs as an essential part of making sure we can give everyone the help that they need. Instead of waiting precarious months for that ideal kidney, lab grown organs would mean that we could get someone the organ they need. However, advancement in the process has been a slow-burning development.

The University of Pittsburgh, though, has been working on a process to help make sure that lab-grown livers could be created. They have been using machine learning and synthetic biology in combination with one another to try and find the ideal solution to the creation of entirely safe lab-developed livers. This useful combination has allowed the research team to start utilising algorithms from machine learning with synthetic biology. The aim is to help speed up the process along, creating a human liver with real blood and bile management systems.

So far, though, the process is still very much in the development phase. The testing in mice, though, did show that when mice with failing or failed livers were given the lab grown alternative that their lifespan was increased. While it cannot be said for certain that it works without qualification, there is already a clear interest in the use of lab grown organs.

The aim is simple – find a way to avoid having to wait on the loss of another human life to save an ailing life. With lab-grown organs, that could become a reality in the future. Testing, though, is going to be a long-term process; even with the progress made, real-life usage is still some way off.

Are lab grown organs a realistic proposition?

It certainly appears to be the case. Indeed, the synthetic biology and machine learning combination in Pittsburgh has produced some of the most positive, promising results seen in some time. The hope is that they can continue to grow and get better over time, and that the process can continue to develop to the right standard without any complications or delays.

If lab grown organs has become a talking point that you find concerning, then the progress being made in Pittsburgh might assuage some fears. You should absolutely take a closer look at lab grown organ processes being developed, though, as the progress being made in Pittsburgh is the most promising news in some time.

In an industry that is constantly being watched to see when authentic and safe lab-grown organs could become a reality, it is exciting to see such rapid progress. Should the university be able to continue along this line of thought, we could see some more development in 2021.

As one of the most in-demand parts of the synthetic medical industry, lab-grown organs would be a genuine game-changer. Although still in the earliest of phases of development, the promising discoveries made by the Pittsburgh research time are very exciting indeed.




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